Saturday, December 16, 2006

My brightest star..

Well I am excited to announce that my 6 year old Taylor lost his first two teeth this week. As a proud parent it was a moment that I will always remember. Kids are perfect and innocent and make my life better every day.. Enjoy -

PS - I love the look on his face right after he pulls it out. Stunned, haha!

Monday, December 11, 2006


Why am I addicted to this right now? I am not sure but I love it and tonight I spent the better part of an hour online searching for a table. Soon I will have one of these babies set up in my garage and it will provide hours of competitive entertainment for those of us who love sports but are a weeee bit out of shape. Updates and news to follow as my search continues........

Until then watch this --------> LINKY

Sunday, December 03, 2006

a 7 year olds countdown

So tonight I got home from the Broncos game feeling a little bit crappy after our loss and I walked into to the kids room to kiss them goodnight. Well of course they both were already asleep and when I leaned down to wish them a peaceful sleep I found this tucked under my seven year olds arm. It is very easy to forget how special the holidays are with all of the hustle and bustle but this brought me back to reality and reminded me of the magic and anticipation that our little ones feel this time of year...