Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Is it just me or

Are there some things in life that will always drive you nuts? Perhaps its the way people use the word "irregardless" or the way some people sit in a restaurant talking on their cellphone so loudly that everyone can hear. For me all of the above apply, but today I was reminded of something that I despise even more, the Truck Balls. What are the Truck Balls you ask? Well, they are a set of synthetic bull nuts that hillbillies and hicks for some reason decide need to hang from the hitch on the back of their jalopy. I was on my way to work this morning and out of nowhere a beaten down loud old Ford truck comes rolling up sporting a set of these babies. I sat there wanting to slam my head into the steering wheel as I watched them swing with momentum. Billy Bob, Uncle Ned and Aunt Jane, for the love of god stop dumbing this state down! Done - Jonas
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Its a girl!

Well if you haven't already heard we are expecting a little one this September. Tiffany and I had talked about it for several years and finally decided to try for a girl. How do you try for a girl you ask? You read books, put a business plan together and pray. The backgroud..
We were in Tulsa at the Christmas Eve service this past December and Tiffany's uncle who is the preacher was sharing on how to put our faith in God and believe for what we need. Our oldest son Christian leaned over to Tiff's sister and said, "Nope, we don't need anything, mommy already has a baby girl in her tummy." Well this was news to all of us as we didn't even know she was pregnant. A week later on new years eve morning Tiff woke me up with a huge smile on her face, holding a pregnancy test that confirmed Christian's statement, she was indeed pregnant. Now, our family has a history of boys, I have 2 and my mom had 3 so having a girl was something we had to believe God for. Either way, boy or girl we would be happy. Fast Foward...
Last Friday our family went in for THE ultrasound. The nurse asked, "would you like to know what you are having?" and in the next breathe she said - It's a girl. We all cried and hugged and thanked God for his love and blessings. Come September the world will be a better place, blessed with little Isabella Ava Grace Thomas. YES two middle names, she is already spoiled!
God is sufficient, I need to learn this more every day. I often find myself caught in a mental spiral focused on meaningless garbage. I want to fall into love with loving God to the point where these things come and go and have no bearing on this simple truth.
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