This last month has been one of the best of my life. You may have already heard but just in case you haven't, on August 29th @ 2 a.m. Tiffany and I were greeted by a beautiful little girl, Isabella Grace. Experiencing the birth of a child is the most intense, overwhelming, emotional event I will ever experience. I stood there mentally and physically exhausted holding Tiffany's hand as she struggled to find the strength she so badly needed. A rush of nurses, a doctor with concern in her voice, urgency outlined the moment. Seconds dripped by like minutes as I felt myself float to the top of the room, my mind decided I could no longer handle it, I was overcome. I stood in silence, still, other then my lips mouthing a heartfelt prayer. God please give Tiffany strength, please put your Angels around my wife and unborn child. My mind jammed with thoughts, Tiffany had been in labor for 10 hours, she was beyond exhaustion but still fighting knowing how close she was. How is it fair that Isabella's life was still in her hands? She conceived and carried her for the last 9 months. Her life has been consumed with our baby; eating right, resting, taking vitamins, endless doctors appointments, and on and on. But at the end of it all, even in her current state, she is still the one. Moments later through the rush of people I saw her. Beautiful and perfect in the doctors arms, we all caught our breath and waited... There it was, the sound of health and life, a baby's first cry.
The other day I was holding Bella and she was just staring off into space, not focused on anything but her gaze fixed and intent. I asked Tiffany "What do you think she is thinking?" Her quick, confident reply, "She sees angels."
nice blog. I am so excited about bella
That's an awesome picture. You need to get a print of it and frame it for your wall.
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