Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The airing of grievances

Yesterday I was having a conversation with a friend and it turned into a discussion about our pet peeves. See, he brought up how he had recently been on a date and his lady friend (whom he had just met) proceeded to spend the entire night complaining about general life issues. I told him I could relate, "people with a negative outlook are really annoying." Then somehow the next 15 minutes turned into us taking turns complaining about things that drive us nuts, ironic? Maybe.

1. If we are in bumper to bumper traffic and I let you in, please offer a "thank you" wave.

2. If I ask you how you are doing and it happens to be a Monday, please don't refer to the fact that it is indeed Monday so you are "doing as good as you can for a Monday."

3. Please don't walk up and make conversation with me at the urinal. You are a complete stranger, make friends somewhere else.

4. Please don't use the word "irregardless".

5. If you need to talk to me, please don't send me an email asking me to call you. Pick up the damn phone.

6. If the group wants to go eat pizza, please don't be the guy that says "Can't do it, just had it 2 days ago."

7. If we are at a stop light please don't pull up in the lane that has to immediately merge. Get in line like the rest of us.

8. And last (for now) but certainly not least, please for the love of god don't be the guy in the restaurant, or in public in general, that has to scream at the top of your lungs while on your cellphone so we all think you are important.


The Hosh said...

bone your blog is one of my favorites to read. thank you for blogging. #4 made me laugh and choke. . .

Josh Mickelson said...

you are the king of hand conversations on the road with other cars.

Mark Thomas said...

That was awesome.

Anonymous said...

you're on the roll. get off me. said...

Agree on all points. I thought #1 was my secret pet peeve. Happy to know others are frustrated too!