Thursday, April 10, 2008

Email blog 2

The new episode of The Office disappointed me tonight. It wasn't last episode of Seinfeld bad, but it wasn't worth the months and months of wait. You would think the writers would have some better material considering their long ass vacation.  



Josh Mickelson said...

I missed it, but I have kind of been sketch on this season 4 as a whole so far. said...

I agree...give me the office...not the living room.

Mark Thomas said...

Agreed. They may have jumped the shark.

1or2thoughts said...

Proof, as though it was needed, that the best thing to do when union go on strike is to fire every individual and open negotiations with individuals. Of course in my oppinion "the writers" have written nothing in 20 plus years and "hollywood" would be better off re-running old movies and old Lucy episodes as they are much better than anything current.

BONE said...

Hard to disagree with you Mark, although Seinfeld was a masterpiece IMO.

Teresa said...

televsion anticipation rarely ever pays off, IMO.