Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Across the field you see the sky ripped open
Life passes so quickly, I think it’s easier for me to understand this now that I have children that change before my eyes. When we were kids my mom always used to say “This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” – Psalms 118:24. Those words are so true, God made today with an intent purpose, not just to be another day. No, today is the day He planned for, a day in which HIS plan will be put forth. What amazing satisfaction I find in that, God has an incredible plan for today, even if today sucks as some days will, it doesn’t matter. I’m not saying I am going out and changing the world every day, but I am prayerfully seeking God and listening for His voice. When I started doing this on a regular basis I was blown away by the things that started happening.
Thursday, April 17, 2008

So here it is....
And this is the first photo it took.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Numero 3
This story reminds me of the time Mark left his Honer at the Blue Bird after the show we played with the highly acclaimed buttrock group, Theory of a Dead Man. http://www.9news.com/news/watercooler/article.aspx?storyid=89961
I just remember the roadie telling us how they were heading to Europe after the show to meet up with Puddle of Mud or someone of that nature. God bless the old Strikethurman days, long live buttrock.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Email blog 2
The new episode of The Office disappointed me tonight. It wasn't last episode of Seinfeld bad, but it wasn't worth the months and months of wait. You would think the writers would have some better material considering their long ass vacation.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Thank you Josh..
for reminding me that I can blog via email. My new company has some pretty strict internet and security policies which only increase my lack of internet presence. It has been good though as I haven’t had the opportunity to surf and waste time, instead I have been busy doing what I consider a real job for the first time in several years..
Not that my old job wasn’t legit, it was just no longer challenging. Now I actually have to use my brain again, learn all new company policies, people, systems and products. I have to stretch myself technically as I don’t have a technical resource to lean on like I used to. In other words, this is much more satisfying because I can once again accomplish something, something great. So far things have been even better than I expected and the transition has been fluid. I was worried that after 8 years with my previous company the world somehow had nothing better to offer, thankfully I was wrong.
So, thanks for the thoughts and prayers. Please continue to pray that I sell a ton of software as Tiff wants a MacBook, I lost my camera so I want a Nikon D40x and my wardrobe was sorely in need of an update as jeans no longer cut it.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
The airing of grievances
1. If we are in bumper to bumper traffic and I let you in, please offer a "thank you" wave.
2. If I ask you how you are doing and it happens to be a Monday, please don't refer to the fact that it is indeed Monday so you are "doing as good as you can for a Monday."
3. Please don't walk up and make conversation with me at the urinal. You are a complete stranger, make friends somewhere else.
4. Please don't use the word "irregardless".
5. If you need to talk to me, please don't send me an email asking me to call you. Pick up the damn phone.
6. If the group wants to go eat pizza, please don't be the guy that says "Can't do it, just had it 2 days ago."
7. If we are at a stop light please don't pull up in the lane that has to immediately merge. Get in line like the rest of us.
8. And last (for now) but certainly not least, please for the love of god don't be the guy in the restaurant, or in public in general, that has to scream at the top of your lungs while on your cellphone so we all think you are important.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Peanuts anyone?
This is footage of an Airbus 320 trying to make a landing in Germany this past weekend. There were some obvious fierce crosswinds that made for a close call but thank God the pilot was able to save the day. Can you imagine being on that plane??
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Why did they wait so long?
Fast forward 18 years and I find myself in a coworkers office last week discussing a little business. He casually offers me a small lemon head sized red candy, I accept and as I bite down I realize this is not just any candy, this is something I love, something I remember! I ask and his reply is "Yep, it sure is. They have them at Walgreens." Of course I make haste to the nearest Walgreens and just as he had promised, boxes upon boxes of the chewy treats.
My friends, it is so.. The

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I have a blog in process that will change the way you look at the world, stay tuned. Until then, Bella says stay cool.

Monday, January 14, 2008
I woke up last week and decided that this is going to be an excellent year. My family is complete, healthy, blessed, I have a wonderful support group of friends, God has been gracious blessing me with every provision. Growth surrounds me and I want to be engrossed in it as well; reading my bible with an addictive zeal, speaking life into this world, taking a positive attitude into every situation, living with the passion I had prided myself in -- I choose these things.
When I was young my mom would say "death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21) which I took quite literally. The seemingly simple wisdom of the Proverbs, what a wonderful "how to" book for life. You want self help, soak it up. Far to often people turn to complicated descriptions and analyzations of the scripture, and while there is nothing inherently wrong with that, it can be a crutch. I believe God laid the BOOK out for each of us to submerse ourselves in on a personal level and that He reveals it to us individually as we seek Him. Bible studies, small groups, conversations about scripture their revelations and meanings are great, I am specifically referring to the over-reliance on books about God rather than focusing on the book written BY Him. These Proverbs are simple enough to shape a young boy and powerful enough to guide a mans steps..
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
I blog therefore I am?
Bone you gotta blog more often, pgp.
Blogging is like breathing, do it or die Bone!My answer to all of them/you is why? I spend ample time every day/week talking with you and conversing about anything and everything on my mind. Nevertheless, maybe I turned over a new blog-leaf. I WILL give this a shot, I WONT guarantee it will be worth your time or mine but so be it and enjoy.